
利哈伊碳社区学院种植了24棵树,这是特拉华州资助的一个植物园项目的一部分 & 利哈伊国家遗产走廊通过利哈伊山谷绿道拨款项目在PA保护和自然资源部的管理下. 第一阶段的种植工作已于12月初完成,在校园西南侧的罗斯洛克图书馆和贝里耶大厅附近种植了树木.

Nyssa sylvatica is a 落叶 Tree Native to North America

Nyssa sylvatica is a 落叶 Tree Native to North America

美洲穗树(Chionanthus Virginicus)

树梢树是一种小型落叶乔木,原产于美国东部. 它喜欢完全或部分阳光,并达到成熟的高度和蔓延12至20英尺. 它有单独的雄树和雌树. Both the male and the female 树 produce showy white flowers in the spring. In the summer, the fruits provide food for a variety of birds and other animals. 该树对病害的易感性较低,但易受绿灰螟的侵害.

美洲穗树(Chionanthus Virginicus)

黑胶(Nyssa Sylvatica)

黑胶也被称为黑胶. 它的成熟高度为30至50英尺,成熟的蔓延范围为20至30英尺. It has a slow to medium growth rate and likes full to partial sun. 它可以在各种土壤类型中生长, 包括酸性, 肥沃的, 潮湿的, 丰富的, 桑迪, 粉砂壤土, 和透水性良好的. 黑口香糖有迷人的秋天色彩, with leaf colors ranging from yellow and 橙色 to red and purple. 它有一个蓝黑色的小果实,在9月底和10月初成熟, 为鸟类和哺乳动物提供食物.

黑胶(Nyssa Sylvatica)


Cherry (Prunus serrulate) This 树 produces beautiful, 深粉红色重瓣花在春天, 和黄色, 橙色, 或是秋天的古铜色叶子. 其寿命为15至25年. It likes full sun and can grow in a variety of 土壤 types, 包括酸性, 碱性, 粘土, 干旱, 肥沃的, 桑迪, 排水性好, 还是湿的. It reaches a mature height of 30 to 40 feet and mature spread of 30 to 40 feet. 这是一棵不结果子的樱桃树. 作为一种严格的装饰性树木,它对野生动物的价值很低,对污染很敏感.


山茱萸在4月到5月开花,它的果实是许多鸟类的食物, 花栗鼠, 松鼠, 臭鼬, 兔子, 鹿. 它生长在阳光充足或部分阳光下. At maturity it reaches a height of 20 to 25 feet. 山茱萸生长在各种土壤中, 包括酸性, 粘土, 肥沃的, 潮湿的, 丰富的, 或排水良好, 是很受欢迎的园林树木.

Hornbeam (American Hornbeam) (Carpinus Caroliniana)

The American hornbeam is a medium-sized 树 in the beech family, 原产于北美东部. 它喜欢偏深的阴影,被认为是森林中的林下树. 它的成熟高度为20至30英尺,成熟的蔓延范围为20至35英尺. The hornbeam is difficult to transplant and is sensitive to 干旱, 热, 土壤压实, 虽然它能抵抗鹿的伤害.
The hornbeam is a larval host for some species of swallowtail butterflies, and the seeds and buds are a food source for birds, 松鼠, 狐狸. Hornbeams are resistant to black 胡桃木(*), and can also stand up against wind.


Red maple mature height: 40-60 feet; and it needs full or partial sun.



 橡木有好几个品种. 我们在这里描述白栎(栎). 它的成熟高度为50至80英尺,成熟的蔓延范围为50至80英尺. 它的增长速度是缓慢到中等. Oaks grow well in full sun or partial sun and are 干旱 tolerant. They can grow in acidic, 干旱, 潮湿的, 和透水性良好的 土壤. Acorns are an excellent source of food for a variety of wildlife.


颤动的白杨生长迅速,成熟高度可达40至50英尺,成熟的树冠可达20至30英尺. 在秋天,树叶是亮黄色的. 它喜欢阳光充足,可以在酸性、粘土、壤土、潮湿、沙质或排水良好的土壤中生长. 在北美所有的树木中,白杨的自然分布范围最广. Once planted, the 树 sends up sprouts from its roots. 这些克隆体将保持相互联系, meaning that a grove of quaking aspen are probably all clones of each other.
The leaves are eaten by snowshoe hare, 鹿 and elk. In the right location, quaking aspens provide building materials for beavers. The buds provide food in the winter for some birds, such as grouse.
地震杨树是森林火灾后第一批重新生长的树木之一, and are also used to repopulate forests that have been over-harvested.

Picture Credit: Enn Li Photography / Getty Images


This 树 has an abundance of pink flowers in April. 它喜欢阳光充足或部分阳光/阴影, and can grow in a variety of 土壤 types 包括酸性, 碱性, 肥沃的, 粘土, 潮湿的, 丰富的, 或砂质. 它喜欢生长在排水良好的土壤里. 它将达到20至30英尺的成熟高度,以及25至35英尺的成熟蔓延. 它原产于北美,尽管在欧洲和亚洲也有各种各样的紫荆树.

红雪松(Junipernus Viginiana)

红雪松是常青树,在阳光充足和开阔的地方生长得最好. 它的生长速度中等,成熟时可达40至50英尺,铺展8至20英尺. 它能忍受各种土壤, 包括酸性, 碱性, 粘土, 肥沃的, 潮湿的, 丰富的, 桑迪, 粉砂壤土, 和透水性良好的. 这种水果是雪松蜡翅的最爱. The foliage provides nesting for sparrows, robins, warblers, and mockingbirds.

Serviceberry (Amelanchier canada)

In Pennsylvania, the serviceberry blooms in April, with delicate white flowers. In the fall the leaves turn shades of red and gold. At maturity, the 树 has a height and spread of 15 to 25 feet. 它在充足和部分阳光下都生长良好,喜欢酸性、潮湿、排水良好的土壤. 红色的浆果在夏天被鸟类吃掉,但也被用来做馅饼和蜜饯.


The slippery elm is found in the eastern and central United States. It reaches a mature height of 60 feet and a mature spread of 50 feet. 它喜欢潮湿,肥沃,深的土壤,具有可变的pH值,但也可以发现生长在干燥的土壤. The slippery elm is similar to the American elm in many ways, including being susceptible to Dutch elm disease, 虽然没有那么严重. It is called “slippery” elm because of the mucilaginous layer under the bark. Native Americans and pioneers used to chew on the inner bark to quench thirst, 那时水不容易获得.
鸟和小动物吃种子,鹿和兔子吃树枝. The wood can be used commercially for furniture, though it is considered to be inferior the American elm.

甜湾白玉兰(Magnolia virginia)

这是另一棵开花的树, 虽然它通常在五月或六月开花, well past the danger of frost damage to the blossoms. It will reach a height of 10 to 20 feet and a spread of 10 to 20 feet. 它有一个中等到快速的增长速度. Magnolias prefer full sun but are also fine in partial sun, 它们可以在各种土壤中生长, 包括酸性, 肥沃的, 潮湿的丰富, 桑迪, 粉砂壤土, 排水性好, 还是湿的. 秋天,它的红色果实为各种鸟类提供食物, 包括红眼雀, 蓝鸟, 鹌鹑, 和火鸡, 还有松鼠, 老鼠.

Sweet Gum (American Sweet Gum), Liquidambar Styraciflua

The Sweet Gum 树 needs plenty of space for root development. It has a mature height of 60-70 feet and a mature spread: 40-50 feet. 它能在各种土壤中生长, 包括酸性, 粘土, 肥沃的, 潮湿的, 桑迪, 排水性好, 又湿. 它喜欢阳光充足,有光滑的绿叶,秋天会变成黄色、橙色、红色和紫色. The seeds are eaten by a variety of birds, 花栗鼠, 松鼠.

郁金香杨树(Liriodendron Tulipefera)

郁金香杨树,或郁金香树,是一种快速生长的树木,每年可以长24英寸. It has a mature height of 70 to 90 feet, and a mature spread of about 40 feet. 它喜欢充足的阳光,在酸性、壤土、沙质、排水良好和粘土土壤中生长良好. 虽然它喜欢土壤中正常水平的水分,但它可以忍受一些干旱条件. The tulip poplar produces flowers in May and June that are 1.直径5-2英寸. The petals are greenish-yellow, with some 橙色 at the base. 这棵树在冬天为白尾鹿和兔子等动物提供食物. In spring, ruby-throated hummingbirds feed on the nectar from the flowers.


梧桐(Platanus Occidentalis)

梧桐树的成熟高度可达75至90英尺,树干直径可达10英尺. 这棵树喜欢阳光充足, 虽然它更喜欢潮湿, 肥沃的土壤, 能容纳粘土, 沙子, 壤土, 碱性, 潮湿的土壤. 它是耐污染和适度耐旱,但容易出现病虫害问题.

白松(Pinus Strobus)

白松的成熟高度可达50至80英尺,树冠宽达20至40英尺. 他们正在快速增长, 身高每年增加24英寸左右,喜欢完全阳光或部分阴影. 它们易于移植,但对道路盐、空气污染和土壤压实很敏感. White pines provide a nesting site for a variety of birds. 一些动物吃这些种子,包括黑熊、兔子、松鼠和许多种类的鸟.


酸性- pH*小于7的物质. The lower the pH, the higher the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+). Correspondingly, there is a lower concentration of hydroxyls (OH).

碱性pH*大于7的物质. The higher the pH, the lower the concentration of hydrogen ions. Correspondingly, there is a higher concentration of hydroxyls (OH)

黑色的 胡桃木 -产生一种叫做核桃酮的毒素,它可以作为除草剂杀死竞争植物. 这是一种环境中的进化保护,以避免在空间竞争中处于劣势. There are some plants and 树 that have co-evolved with the black 胡桃木, 而且不受毒素影响.

粘土 土壤密集的, tightly packed 土壤 formed primarily from mineral particles, which means it has little to no organic material, 虽然它可以容纳钙, 钾, 和镁, 哪些是植物生长所需要的. 粘土 holds water well, but can become waterlogged. 粘土很粘.

落叶 —a 树 that loses its leaves in the fall and grows new leaves in the spring. “deciduous”的意思是“脱落”.”

δ** -平坦的地形, 通常呈三角形, 这是由沉积物堆积形成的, 特别是淤泥*. δs often form where a river meets a slower moving body of water. 在河口流入湖泊或海洋的地方发现三角洲是很常见的.

壤土/肥沃的—土壤 that contains 沙子, silt,* and 粘土,* preferably in equal parts. 壤土被认为是花园的理想土壤,因为它能保持水分并含有大多数植物所需的营养物质.


pH-氢的电势.” pH is a measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+在某种物质中. The higher the concentration of hydrogen ion, the lower the pH. 浓度越低,pH值越高. pH值从0到14. 蒸馏水的pH值是7,它的氢离子(H)浓度相等+)和羟基(OH)

淤泥颗粒比粘土大,比沙子小的粒状土壤. It is made up primarily of worn down quartz and feldspar. 干燥时摸起来像面粉,潮湿时形成我们通常所说的泥浆. 泥沙可以由冰川和河流携带, 并且可以在存款中结算, 随着时间的推移, 可以建立新的土地吗, 比如delta *.

粉砂质 壤土-描述各不相同,但粉质壤土含有约50 - 85%的粉砂,0 - 25%的粘土和0 - 50%的砂. 这与壤土不同,壤土含有大约等量的淤泥、粘土和沙子.

传播这是一种测量树枝宽度的方法,在树的最宽处测量. 测量从一侧开始, and going straight through where the trunk would be, 如果它延伸到那么远, 到树的另一边去.

下层植被 —树 that grow under the forest’s main canopy. These can be 树 that are stunted in growth because of lack of adequate light, 或者对光照要求低的树木.

(**)双星号表示该词已在术语表中使用并且已定义, but does not relate specifically to the arboretum.